Investment in technology and innovation increasingly brings safety, productivity and agility in operations at the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo. The new tools are also impacting the job market. If formerly practical experience and physical size were the requirements to work in the Santos pier, today, companies are looking for graduated professionals, with knowledge of technology, languages "?"?and good relationship.Having the best Brazilian port, with low cost and a lot of technology. This is the wish of the president of the São Paulo State Dock Company (Codesp), Casemiro Tércio Carvalho, for the Port of Santos. For this, according to him, it is also necessary to think about the future of manpower, essential to move the large terminals."
You need to use artificial intelligence. Working with docking algorithms, using VTS, sensors. You need to automate the reading of what happens in Porto," said Casemiro, during the event Porto & Mar - The Tribune for the Development of Port of Santos, which took place in June this year.At the Santos pier, new tools have already started to be used. The terminals feature high-resolution cameras, sensors, remote inspection, digitally read seals, systems and applications for a variety of processes that increase safety and productivity and, on the other hand, propel the search for more technologically savvy professionals."
What was done through paper is being done completely digital. Professionals have to be prepared to work with the automation system. In recent years, it has begun to replace the 20-year-old professionals with younger professionals who have experience in logistics area and a lot of knowledge in technology ", explains Vander Serra de Abreu, Master in Technological Sciences from USP and with experience in automation and port logistics control systems.
Carolina Pula, a lawyer and university professor specializing in Maritime and Port Law, says that the process of automation in the port sector has, of course, replaced many professionals with machines. Vacancies continue to exist, but in smaller supply."The issue of manual labor, more physical work, was very much in demand. Nowadays, especially in foreign ports, we can no longer see. We see technology doing the heaviest work. The question of the need for the worker will always continue to exist. But, technology will replace much of this situation, "says Carolina.
The change in the choice of labor in the Port of Santos is already a reality in companies operating in the region. Cláudio Luna Scalise, Human Resources Manager at Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), says the selection of professionals has changed in recent years.If formerly those with the most practical experience were the chosen ones, much of the process today is digital. After the electronic registration, the best candidates are classified and undergo technical and behavioral evaluation.
"We began to evaluate how easy it is to be using technological tools. Previously, due to the port business itself, was expected only the technical knowledge. In addition to the technical, we also go for the behavioral. We know that through a good working relationship can achieve better results, "he said.
The requirement in hiring reflects in the staff. In the administrative sector, around 57.59% of employees have completed higher education, 25.32% have postgraduate or specialization and 10.76% have completed medical education. Of the staff of the operational staff composed of operators of onboard equipment, side conferences, among others, 78% have completed high school and 14.69% have completed college and 1.49% graduate.
"We are in the process of improving it so that everyone is on a technical and theoretical level. We have just launched a corporate university with on-line courses, both technical and behavioral, to improve the workforce skills in Porto.", explains.
The change in the choice of labor in the Port of Santos is already a reality in companies operating in the region. Cláudio Luna Scalise, Human Resources Manager at Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP), says the selection of professionals has changed in recent years.If formerly those with the most practical experience were the chosen ones, much of the process today is digital. After the electronic registration, the best candidates are classified and undergo technical and behavioral evaluation.
"We began to evaluate how easy it is to be using technological tools. Previously, due to the port business itself, was expected only the technical knowledge. In addition to the technical, we also go for the behavioral. We know that through a good working relationship can achieve better results, "he said.
The requirement in hiring reflects in the staff. In the administrative sector, around 57.59% of employees have completed higher education, 25.32% have postgraduate or specialization and 10.76% have completed medical education. Of the staff of the operational staff composed of operators of onboard equipment, side conferences, among others, 78% have completed high school and 14.69% have completed college and 1.49% graduate.
"We are in the process of improving it so that everyone is on a technical and theoretical level. We have just launched a corporate university with on-line courses, both technical and behavioral, to improve the workforce skills in Porto.", explains.
Among the most valued and growth-prone professions in the coming years in the port sector are those linked to technology. In the technical area, the information technology professional specializing in port innovation will be highly coveted. "It will bring greater security to the port sector. As everything will be automated, the terminals need to have a very strong staff," says the professor.
In the operational area, the differential is the professionals who will have experience in process management. "Before, the process was manual, it had no people management. Once everything is automated, you need to have great management on top of that. In addition, equipment maintenance professionals, electrical and mechatronics engineers will have room.", ends.
Source: A Tribuna
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